monte toad portfolio

This is a portfolio of screenshots and rendering from my current work in progress path tracer. You can find more information about this at

The editor displaying the glTF flight helmet

bunny rendering with complex-ish material (specular and multiple transmittive BSDFs, with an absorption coefficient)

bottle before passed through open image denoiser

bottle after passed through open image denoiser

dragon modelled as glass

elephant with complexish material made by many BRDFs

exterior of church building

flight helmet again

flight helmet with slightly different material composition

displays open image denoiser with and with albedo/normal

displays open image denoiser at multiple levels of SPP

interior of a church at ~2k resolution, with noisy/denoised split in half

obligatory car rendering

yoda with various material compositions

cornell box with water

amazon lumberyard rendering, before textures were supported

textured globe

this is an older version of the renderer showcasing basic workflow;